Types of Rolled Steel Sections (including cold-formed sections, structural pipe (tubes) sections and their properties.
- The steel sections factory-made in rolling mills and used as structural members are referred to as rolled steel sections.
- The steel sections are named accordance with their cross sectional shapes.
- The shapes of sections selected depending upon the kinds of members that are made-up and to some extent on the method of erection.
- Several steel sections are readily available in the market and have frequent demand. Such steel sections are known as regular steel sections.
- Some steel sections are rarely used. Such sections are produced on special requisition and are known as special sections.
- ‘ISI reference for Structural Engineers’ provides nominal dimensions, weight and geometrical properties of different rolled steel sections.
Types of Rolled Steel Sections
- The various types of rolled structural steel sections manufactured and used as structural members are as follows:
Rolled Steel I-sections (Beam sections).
The shape profile of this section looks similar to alphabet “I” or “H”.. This section is used for all the types of load combinations, except pure rotation. This section is highly efficient to resist (in order) flexure, and compression. Most common usages of this section are beams/girder, columns in Buildings and Bridges.

Rolled Steel Channel Sections.
The shape profile of this section looks similar to alphabet “C”; hence we call them C shape. Channel is the common notation used in AISC Steel Construction manual for this type of section This section is mostly used for uniformly distributed load applications with small moment/bending. This section is highly efficient to be used as a secondary structural member where the loading is transferred onto other primary structural members. Most common usages of C Shape/Channels as secondary structural member are transverse joists supporting floor, purlins for roof trusses, studs in the wall framing, supporting members for ceiling assemblies, etc.

Rolled Steel Tee Sections.
The shape profile of this section looks similar to alphabet “T”; hence we call them T shape. Structural Tee is a common notation used in AISC Steel Construction Manual for this type of section. This section is usually split from standard I-shapes by removing the bottom flange. This section can be used for all load applications similar to I-shape section. This shape offers significant flexural capacity on the flange side compared to non-flange side. Most common usages of this section are connection member between I-shapes or other shapes, secondary beam members (lintels), Chord member in trusses and primary member of built-up member, End Diaphragm members in bridge girder system etc

Rolled Steel Angles Sections.
The shape profile of this section looks similar to alphabet “L”; hence we call them L Shape. This section is also called as “Angle” as noted in AISC Steel Construction Manual and also due to its feasibility to accommodate angular connections. This section is highly used for point load applications to resist shear, tension and compression. This section is a perfect fit to be used as a connection member, primary component of a built-up member etc. Most common usages of this section are connection between I-shapes and/or other shapes, bracing in truss members, Chords, Battens and/or Laces of built-up member, Diaphragm members in bridge girder system, Web stiffening elements for I-shape sections, etc.

Rolled Steel Bars.

- Rolled Steel Tubes
- Rolled Steel Flats.
- Rolled Steel Sheets and Strips.
- Rolled Steel Plates.