What is M sand:
M sand is type of sand which manufactured by crushing the rock. M in M sand also sands for Manufacturing.
This Also Know as Manufacturing sand.
M sand is generally uniformly graded sand, as it consists of uniform size of sand.
M sand it very good and popular in construction as it is readily available, less expensive than natural sand.
Extraction of natural sand from river damages the ecosystem of river and extraction more than limit is prohibited and illegal. Just because of this M sand is widely used in construction industry.
M sand is manufactured so that some properties of sand can be pre-planned before manufacturing such as size, shape, density etc.

Issues with Natural Sand:
1. All community in construction industry like architects, engineers always agree that the river sand available today is deficient in many respects. It also contains very high silt fine particles. And clay contain is also more in natural or river sand.
2. Natural sand also contains impurities as shells, mica, bones, silt, clay, coal etc. which decreases the sand quality and strength. Also after using the sand which contains impurities decays more due to effect of weather conditions, climatic condition etc. and leads to shorten the life span of concrete and the structures. And can tends to failure of structure.
3. Lifting or extracting of natural sand from river bed damages the ecosystem of river and extraction more than limit is prohibited and illegal. And Government have also but ban on it.
4. Transportation of sand also damages the roads by creating friction and impact on wheel of vehicle on road.
5. Lifting the river sand from river bed has impact the environment, as water table goes deeper & ultimately dry.
General Requirements of Manufactured Sand:
1. All the sand particles should have higher crushing strength.
2. The surface texture of the particles should be smooth.
3. The edges of the particles should be grounded.
4. The ratio of fines below 600 microns in sand should not be less than 30%.
5. There should not be any organic impurities in manufacturing sand.
6. Silt and clay contain in sand should not be more than 2%, for crushed sand.
7. The permissible limit of fineness below 75 microns shall not exceed more than 15% in case of crushed or manufacture sand.
Advantages of Manufactured Sand
More cost effective than natural sand: Cost for transportation can be reduced by producing the Crushed sand in areas closer to construction site.
Gives good strength to concrete: The crushed sand has well graded grain size.
Compliant with the new European Standards
Less disruptive to the environment
Impurities is lesser and good working properties
Smooth texture and well grounded edges of manufactured sand also helps to improve bond strength and strength of concrete.
Disadvantages of Manufactured Sand
Issues to maintain the Workability:
The texture of manufactures sand is coarser and angular than the natural sand, due to this, this sand requires more water and cement to achieve the particular workability, which leads to increase the cost.
Contains micro fine in larger proportion:
Manufactured sand contains larger proportions of microfine and this lead to affect on stenght and workability of concrete.