Lime Mortar: Introduction
- Lime mortar is ancient Indians first used mortar for temples, forts and historic structure
- It is typically used as plastering, masonary (either stone or bricks) and as a binding material.

- There are two types of lime is there,
- Hydraulic lime Mortar
- Fat lime Mortar
- Classification of Mortar:
Hydraulic Lime Mortar:
- In this mortar hydraulic lime and sand in 1:2 ratio is used in very damp conditions
- Mostly it is suitable for waterlogged areas.
Fat Lime Mortar:
- fat lime is used and the quantity of fat is lime is almost 2 to 3 times greater than sand requirements in fat lime mortar
- Mainly this type of mortar is used in dry work, where the high plasticity is required.
What is Lime Mortar:
- Lime mortar is mortar in which lime (hydraulic lime or fat lime) is used as binding material in combination with sand and water.
- Basically, fat lime and hydraulic lime is used in lime mortars.
- Fat lime mortar is used commonly and for damp situations hydraulic lime mortar is used
- It is ancient type of mortar and widely used in historic structures along with stones.
Properties of Lime Mortar:
- It is more plastic and workable when it is wet in condition.
- It has good workability and working properties when it made from excessive calcium lime.
- It also develops slow lateral strength for very long time.
- It does not set by action of water loss due to absorption and evaporation.
- Provides strength and strong surface if used in plastering.
- It provides strong bond between the joints when used in masonary joints.
- Lime mortar can be re worked for up to 24 hours as it has great setting time.
- It reduces the wastage when used in silos structures.
- It reduces the movement in joints.
- It possesses the constant prime quality and colour of mortar.
- As it possesses constant colour, it enhances the masonary joints in various masonary.
- It also acts as water shedding barrier when used in masonary.
- This provides the breathable types of construction.
- By the end of the finish of life, this mortar also permits masonary to be recycled.
- It absorbs the CO2 while curing processes.
- Makes use of much less energy to produce than cement.
- Quick setting time of lime mortar has limitations on casting.
- Lime mortar can not be repaired with cement mortar as it does not form bond between lime and cement mortar when it gets harden.
- An excessive amount of initial chemical set ignores the importance of extended carbonation of the non-hydraulic component.
- The danger that segregation occurs, whereby the cement separates from the lime as the mortar dries and hardens.
- The use of cement leads the consumer to deal with gold lime mortars as it has been purely hydraulic lime or cement.
- Ph of mortar drops about 8.6 when lime mortar get dried and harden.
Uses Of Lime Mortars:
The Lime mortar can be used as plastering, joinery and in masonary.
- For Foundation Works: fat lime mortar can be used in all types of foundation work in dry sub grade – water table is 2.4 m below the foundations level.
- For All Masonry Works: loading – 20 to 60 tonnes/m2 (light and medium loading)
- Fat lime and hydraulic lime, both are suitable.
- Lime mortar can be replaced by cement mortar.
- To bind stones, bricks or concrete blocks together
Lime mortar cannot be applied when:
- Sub grade soil is moist water table is within 2.4 m.
- Heavy loading is expected.
- Construction is massive and very thick.
- Mortars with hydraulic lime should be used within 4 hours after mixing.
- Lime mortars with surkhi should be used within 24 hours after mixing.
- Composite (lime and cement) mortars should be used within 2 hours after mixing.
- All lime mortar shall be kept wet after grinding.
- The workers who are to handle lime mortar should protect their skin by using oil, rubber gloves etc.