Storage of Cement: Quality, Steps???

Cement is main ingredient of concrete and it is most important to take care of storage of cement. Due to its property to absorb the moisture from air, it starts its hardening process and the it is not appropriate for use. Water and moisture is enemy of cement can be adversely affect on cement quality.  Hence required proper system and care for storage of cement. Also storage of bulk quantity of cement is also not easy. Proper planning and well maintenance is very much required for its storage along with the proper place for storage.

Why it is Important to Store the cement properly???

It is important to store cement properly for many several reasons, and some of them are mentioned as below,

Maintaining Quality

Cement is tended to catch moisture, humidity faster and due to temperature variation quality of cement get deterioration. Storing the cement in dry and controlled environment helps to prevent cement degrading it quality and helps to ensure a good quality cement.

Preventing Clumping or Hardening

When cement comes to contact with moisture and humidity from the environment it starts in hardening and start forming clumps and to avoid these the storage of cement should be proper and in dry place. Storing cement in dry place and control environment prevent clumping and hardening of cement.

Avoiding Waste:

Cement absorbs the moisture from the environment and start clumping and hardening and it deteriorate its quality and even it forms the lumps and it and it also tends to have the wastage and can be increase the overall cost for the cement to avoid this the proper storage should be arranged and this could be prevent avoiding of cement waste.

Safety Considerations:

When cement comes to the contact with moisture and water, it tends to have the reaction which is heat of hydration reaction which expel the heat in large amount and this could be increase the chance of accident and fire. Proper storage of cement can minimize the risk of accident and promote the safe working environment.


Proper storage of cement in dry and controlled environment, of cement and ensure its efficiency. Also, it reduces the repurchasing and replacing the many orders and prevent the effectiveness of cement. Effective cement storage can be helped to save cost and overall efficiency of project.

Storage of Cement

Procedures of Cement Storage:

Following are the procedure and step to consider while storing the cement.

  • Cement bag should be kept in an environment where the dampness, moisture or wetness should be avoided from either bottom of walls, side of walls or from surrounding etc.
  • Primarily, it should be kept on wooden planks or on any metal surfaces to avoid the moisture penetration from bottom or surface of earth.  
  • Never store the bag of cement with any chemical compound like fertilizer, dairy products etc. to avoid the contamination of cement and moisture from surrounding.
  • Avoid the storage of cement within a basement, it should be kept on primarily or higher floors and the place should be proper ventilated and dry.
  • Do not enable hooks to facilitate the storage of cement. Exploitation hooks have been marked as a harmful follow for the handling of baggage because it exposes the cement to the open atmosphere, which can be damp and misty.
  • The little windows are provided at sill level and commonly unbroken tightly shut. Because of this, the wet or rainwater is prevented from stepping into the shed.

Protection Steps for Proper Storage of Cement

1. Store cement in a dry, secure, and well-ventilated area to prevent moisture absorption from air and surrounding and condensation.

2. Keep cement bags or containers off the ground by using pallets or shelves to avoid contact with moisture, wetness or dampness.

3. Ensure that the storage area is free from direct sunlight and extreme temperature changes, to avoid the negative effect on quality of the cement.

4. Protect cement bags from rain, snow, or any other form of water exposure by covering them with a waterproof tarp also if store indoors proper shuttering should be there.

5. Keep cement bags away from any chemicals, fertilizers, fuels, or hazardous and fire catching substances that may contaminate or react with the cement.

6. Maintain a first-in, first-out system to ensure that older bags are used first and prevent the deterioration of older stock, it can maintain and and well and prevents lumps formation.

7. Regularly inspect and assess the condition of the cement storage area and containers to identify and observe any signs of damage or deterioration.

8. Use appropriate personal safety protective equipment, such as gloves and dust masks, when handling cement to protect against skin irritation, allergies and inhalation of dust particles.

9. Follow proper handling and transportation, safety guidelines to minimize the risk of bags getting torn or damaged during loading, unloading, or movement.

10. Implement proper fire safety measures in the storage area, such as maintaining clear aisles, having fire extinguishers available, and avoiding the storage of flammable materials nearby.

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