2. Rate Analysis for PCC

PCC rate analysis is depend upon the proportion used for PCC. For the different proportions the rate Analysis for PCC will be different and the rate per activity will be different.

PCC rate analysis will always depend on,

  1. Grade of PCC
  2. Workmanship
  3. Raw materials
  4. Rate of materials
  5. Location of construction
  6. Transportations charges for materials

Rate Analysis for PCC in 1:3:6

Item Details: PCC at Plinth top in concrete mix 1:3:6

Quantity Assumed: 10cu-m

Rate Assumed:

  • Cement: 280 Rs per bag
  • Sand: 990 Rs per Cum
  • Course Aggregate: 880 Rs per cum
  • Labour charges: 1200 Rs per Cum
Item No.ItemExplainationQuantityUnitRate/unitAmount
Ratio between Wet mix to Dry mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is
1Cement1.52 cum x 3046bags28012880
  (1cum = 30 bags)    
2Crush Sand/FA1.52 cum x 34.56cum9904514.4
3Metal/CA1.52 cum x 69.12cum8808025.6
 Total of A    25420
BLabour charges 10no120012000
CWastage @ 5%    1271
DPlant & machinery @ 1%    254.2
EWater & electricity including curing @ 2%    508.4
 Total    39453.6
FAdd for profit & Overhead @15%    5918.04
 Total rate  For 10cum 45371.64
 Total rate  For 1cum 4537.2

Rate Analysis for PCC in 1:3:6

Rate estimated to complete PCC in 1:3:6 for 1cum is approximately, 4538 Rs per cum. The rate will be different for different locations, raw material etc.

Rate Analysis for PCC in 1:2:4

Item Details: PCC at foundation base in concrete mix 1:2:4

Quantity Assumed: 10cu-m

Rate Assumed:

  • Cement: 280 Rs per bag
  • Sand: 990 Rs per Cum
  • Course Aggregate: 880 Rs per cum
  • Labour charges: 1500 Rs per Cum
Item No.ItemExplainationQuantityUnitRate/unitAmount
  Ratio between Wet mix to Dry
mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)
Therefore, 15.20cum/(1+2+4)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is
1Cement2.17 cum x 3065.1bags28018228
  (1cum = 30 bags)    
2Crush Sand/FA2.17 cum x 24.34cum9904296.6
3Metal/CA2.17 cum x 48.68cum8807638.4
 Total of A    30163
BLabour charges 10no150015000
CWastage @ 5%    1508.15
DPlant & machinery @ 1%    301.63
EWater & electricity including curing @ 2%    603.26
 Total    47576.04
FAdd for profit & Overhead @15%    7136.41
 Total rate  For 10cum 54712.45
 Total rate  For 1cum 5471.2

Rate Analysis for PCC in 1:2:4

Rate estimated to complete PCC in 1:2:4 for 1cum is approximately, 5472 Rs per cum. The rate will be different for different locations, raw material etc.

Rate Analysis for PCC in 1:4:8

Item Details: PCC at foundation base in concrete mix 1:4:8

Quantity Assumed: 10cu-m

Rate Assumed:

  • Cement: 280 Rs per bag
  • Sand: 990 Rs per Cum
  • Course Aggregate: 880 Rs per cum
  • Labour charges: 1000 Rs per Cum
Item No.ItemExplainationQuantityUnitRate/unitAmount
  Ratio between Wet mix to Dry
mix = 1cum : 1.52cum
For 10 cum:15.20cum
15.20/(Sum of Proportion)
Therefore, 15.20cum/(1+4+8)
Therefore, Value for 0ne (1) is
1Cement1.17 cum x 3035.1bags28010080
  (1cum = 30 bags)    
2Crush Sand/FA1.17 cum x 44.68cum9904633.2
3Metal/CA1.17 cum x 89.36cum8808236.2
 Total of A    22950
BLabour charges 10no100010000
CWastage @ 5%    1147.5
DPlant & machinery @ 1%    229.5
EWater & electricity including curing @ 2%    459
 Total    34786
FAdd for profit & Overhead @15%    5217.9
 Total rate  For 10cum 40003.9
 Total rate  For 1cum 4000.4

Rate Analysis for PCC in 1:4:8

Rate estimated to complete PCC in 1:4:8 for 1cum is approximately, 4001 Rs per cum. The rate will be different for different locations, raw material etc.

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