5. Rate Analysis of Brick Masonary

The Rate Analysis of Brick Masonary is depend on thisckness of wall.

Rate Analysis of Brick Masonary (For 230mm thickness)

Item Details: Brick masonary 230mm thick in CM 1:5

Quantity Assumed: 10cu-m

Rate Assumed,

Cement: 280Rs per bag

sand: 990 Rs per cu-m

Brick: 7 Rs per unit

Labour Rate: 880 Rs per cu-m

Calculation for no. of bricks,

Brick size 225mm x 110mm x 65mm
Brick size with mortar joint 235mmx110mmx75mm
No. of bricks/cum(volume of mortar  )/(voume of ne brick)=  (1x1x1 )/0.235×0.11×0.075 = 515
 say 500 nos per cum
 Qty. of mortor/cum Qty. of mortor = Qty. of whole masonary – Qty. of bricks = 1- (500×0.225×0.10×0.065 = 0.26 cum
Dry vol of mortor Wet volume + 20% Bulkage factor
0.26 cum + 0.06 cum = 0.32 cum

Rate Analysis of Brick Masonary:

Item No.ItemExplainationQuantityUnitRate/unitAmount
1Bricks10 cum x 500 no5000Nos735000
2MortarFor 1 cum = 0.32 cum
for 10 cum = 3.20 cum
Therefore, 3.20/(Sum of proportion)
Therefore, 3.20 cum/(1+5)
Therefore, Value for One (1) is
aCement0.53 cum x 3015.9cum2804452
(1cum = 30 bags)
bSand0.53 cum x 52.65cum9902623.5
 Total of A    42075.5
BLabour charges 10no8808800
CWastage @ 5%    2103.775
DScaffolding & tools @ 1%    420.755
EWater & electricity including curing @ 2%    841.51
 Total    54241.54
FAdd for profit & Overhead @15%    8136.23
 Total rate  For 10cum 62377.77
 Total rate  For 1cum 6237.8

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