6. Test on concrete:

There is different test on concrete. The test will be different for fresh concrete and hard concrete as the properties are varying for fresh concrete and hardened concrete. Depending upon the situations the test will performed on the concrete to find out different properties. Tests for checking quality of concrete must done for the following possible ways.

Purpose for Test on concrete.

  1. To find out the variation in quality of concrete which supplied for a given specification.
  2. To detect the whether the concrete has attained a sufficient strength or concrete has set sufficiently for stripping, stressing, de-propping, and opening to traffic etc.
  3. To detect whether the concrete has gained sufficient strength for the purpose

Tests on fresh concrete:

  • Workability Tests (slump cone test and others)
  • Bleeding
  • Air content
  • Setting time
  • Segregation resistance
  • Unit weight
  • Wet analysis
  • Temperature
  • Heat generation

Tests on hardened concrete:

  1. Compressive strength (for cylinder, cube, core): The compressive strength test of concrete is required to calculate the compressive strength of the cube.The concrete cube of standard size is casted to determine the compressive strength and this test will performed with the help of CTM. Compressive strength of concrete is calculated by dividing the failure load with the area of application of load (usually performed after 28 days of curing.) Read more>>
  • Compressive strength (for cylinder, cube, core)
  • Tensile strength: Direct tension
  • Flexural strength test
  • Penetration test
  • Modulus of rupture
  • Indirect (splitting) Test
  • Density
  • Shrinkage
  • Creep
  • Modulus of elasticity
  • Maturity Test
  • Absorption
  • Permeability Test on Concrete
  • Freeze and thaw resistance
  • Resistance to aggressive chemicals.
  • Resistance to abrasion
  • Bond to reinforcement
  • Analysis for cement content and proportions
  • In situ tests: Schmidt Hammer, Concrete pull-out, break-off, cones etc.
  • Ultrasonic, nuclear

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