Types of staircase

Types of staircase:

     There are various types of staircase depending upon various factors. Here we are discussing the main types of staircase used in construction. The classification is based on the shape and use of the staircase.

Types of staircase
Fig. Types of staircase

Types of staircase

A.    Straight Flight Staircase:

·         This type of staircase has no change in direction in flight and straight along the line.

·         This type of stair is generally used in large spaces which has long length and narrow widths. The typical plan and section to understand the straight flight staircase is given below,

Straight Flight Staircase
Fig. Straight Flight Staircase

B.    Turning Staircase:

·         Turning word itself suggesting that this type of staircase has change in direction in flight. Depending upon angle of turning this can be further classified as follows,

  • Half turn staircase
  • Quarter turn staircase
  • Three quarter staircase

a.     Half Turn Staircase:

·         In Half turn staircase the angle of change in direction is 180 degrees. There are two types of staircase depending upon the space between the two flights.

                                                             i.      Doglegged staircase:

·         These consist of more than a one straight flight having a change in direction between two.

·         The landing is placed between two flights having 180 degrees change in direction between them.

·         This type of staircase is generally provided in residential building where the space for stair case is small or just enough to provide the stair for circulations. The typical plan and section to understand the half turn staircase is given below,

Doglegged staircase
Fig. Doglegged staircase

                                                             ii.      Open well staircase:

·         These consist of more than a one straight flight having a change in direction between two with a open well between two flights.

·         The landing is placed between two flights having 180 degrees change in direction between them.

·         These open well can be rectangular or may be other geometrical shape depending upon the design.

·         This open well can be used for lift installations.

·         This type of staircase is generally provided in residential, commercial building where the space is utilized for stair and lifts.The typical plan and section to understand the Open well staircase is given below,

Open well staircase
Fig. Open well staircase

b.     Quarter Turn Staircase:

·         The staircase turn right angle in directions is known as Quarter Turn Staircase.

·         In quarter turn staircase the angle of change in direction is 90 degrees.

·         The change in direction done by introducing a landing or by providing winders.

·         This type of stair case is used where the space is square or rectangular. And especially where the length are restricted. The typical plan and section to understand the quarter turn staircase is given below,

Quarter Turn Staircase
Fig. Quarter Turn Staircase

c.     Three Quarter Staircase:

·         The staircase turn right angle in directions with the 3 flights on each floor with quarter space landing is known as Three Quarter Staircase.

·         In three quarter turn staircase the angle of change in direction is 270 degrees.

·         The provision for lift can be given the well. The typical plan and section to understand the three quarter staircase is given below,

Three Quarter Staircase
Fig. Three Quarter Staircase

C.    Geological/Continuous staircase:

·         These types of staircases have no newel post and are of any geometrical shape.

·         The change in direction is achieved by providing winders.

·         This staircase require more skill  labours for its construction as it has very precision type of construction.

·         These types of stair are known by its geometric shape. That means circular shape in plan of staircase is known as circular staircase, spiral shape in plan known as spiral staircase. It is known as spiral stair.

·         When viewed from top it appears to follow a circle/ spiral/ helical with a curvature.

·         These stairs are provided  where space available is limited and traffic is low.

·         These types of staircases generally constructed in timber, RCC, steel or in combination with glass.

·         Following are the types of staircase.

a.      Circular staircase

b.     Spiral Staircase

c.      Helical Staircase

Typical diagram for circular staircase
Fig. Typical diagram for circular staircase


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